The events of the day before left Molia feeling lighter. She could hardly stop smiling when she went into work, and it didn't go unnoticed. Several nurses commented on her obvious glow and gave her a knowing smile as if they knew exactly what was putting that extra spring in her step. As the day carried on, she found herself attacked by flashbacks. Jo's hands moving inside of her as if he knew every place she needed to be touched. His tongue ravishing her carrying her to levels of pleasure she hadn't felt with anyone before. As she walked out of the hospital her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice.
She turned around to see none other than Jacob leaving the building. Her heart quickened but not in the way it had the night before. It felt like panic of being caught doing something you weren't supposed to do.
"Hey Jacob", she heard herself reply.
"I was hoping to see that beautiful face today, but I didn't know if I would get the chance. This is now the best part of my day."
There was no doubt that Jacob was a beautiful man. However, after what happened with Jo it felt wrong to continue anything with Jacob. If she broke things off, she would have to deal with the awkwardness of seeing him at work. I guess this is why people tell you not to date people you work with.
"So, the weather is supposed to be great this weekend. I was hoping you would let me take you out on a proper date."
"Look, Jacob..."
He cut her off.
"Uh oh, that doesn't sound good." Is this about the guy from the coffee shop?
"Well," Molia said.
"Look, I know you like him, but I just don't think that it's fair to cut me off without letting me take you out first. If you spend some real time with me, you just may change your mind."
"You seem really great, and I thought I could handle dating you both, but it just feels wrong, and I don't want to hurt either of you."
"One date. Give me one date and then you can make an informed decision. It's hard to really know what you want when you haven't examined all of your options."
He flashed that smile that made her brain mushy, and she heard herself saying,
"Ok, one date."
Instantly she regretting saying yes but what could one date hurt. She was secure in her feelings for Jo. She hadn't known Jo long but the way he calmed her nervous system and excited it all at the same time felt supernatural. Surely one date wouldn't change that and after she could let Jacob down easy. Who would have thought that a little heart issue would lead to such issues of the heart. Just then she received a text message from Jo.
"I can still taste you."
Instantly she felt her temperature rise.
The next day at work she received a message from Jacob.
"I can't wait to see you, be ready at 6pm on Friday. I want to take you somewhere special. Text me your address."
She began to text back asking what to wear when there was a knock at her office door. When she opened the door, it was a delivery. There a young gentleman held out a box and a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. She received the package and as she walked back to her desk pulled the card from the bouquet which read "Everything blooms when it's well care of. Looking forward to taking care of you, Jacob" There was also a box containing a beautiful flowy black dress that surprisingly was the correct size. Just then she received a text from Jacob.
"Do you like it?"
"Stalk much?" She replied playfully.
"Delivery notifications." He sent her a picture of his text message confirming delivery of her flowers and dress.
Molia knew then that it may be a little more difficult to turn Jacob down. The flowers and dress were breathtaking. They may have gotten off to a rocky start with his streak of jealousy at the coffee shop, but he was quickly making up for it.
"I love it," she replied.
Friday came quickly and Molia found herself getting ready for her date. She felt like she was betraying Jo. Jo made sure to call her every day to check on her and even make sure she was taking her meds. He wanted to see her on Friday, but she didn't know how to tell him that she was going out with Jacob. She didn't want to hide it from him, but she didn't want to risk that it would dampen the fire that was growing between them. So, she vaguely told him that she had plans and thankfully he didn't probe. They made arrangements to have brunch on Sunday. She would see Jacob tonight and then tomorrow would let him down gently and move forward with Jo and give them a real chance.
She put on the black dress that honestly fit like a glove. For a man, Jacob had an impeccable eye for fashion and sizes. She paired it with t-strapped heels and gold accessories. At exactly 6pm she heard the familiar sound of her doorbell. She opened the door but did not find Jacob. Instead, she found a man dressed in a black suit and tie with who introduced himself as her driver for the night. She was escorted to a black Cadillac SUV. The driver opened the door and there on the seat was another gorgeous bouquet of red roses. Molia boarded the SUV and the driver took her on a beautiful scenic ride over Lake Austin. Just 20 minutes later as the sun began to set, they pulled up to an open field. Jacob stood at the edge of the field that was covered in gorgeous blue flowers. He opened her door and took her by the hand assisting her out of the car. When she reached the bottom, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it softly.
"Hey gorgeous," he said.
"Jacob, this is beautiful," Molia exclaimed.
"I aim to please," he said flashing his infamous smile.
He guided Molia to a clear bubble tent adorned with twinkling lights that sparkled like fireflies against the sunset. A beautiful picnic was set out complete with wine, charcuterie, and a host of other finger foods intentionally displayed. Jacob assisted her to sit on the plush floor pillows that were laid out around the picnic and took his place across from her. As she looked at him sitting across from her, she studied his face. His chiseled jawline, his smooth velvety skin and full beard. Jacob was intoxicating. His smooth voice interrupted her thoughts.
"Would you like some wine?"
"I would love some," she said.
"This is my favorite white wine Dulcis Moscato d'asti," he said. He filled their glasses and offered one to Molia. "I have been looking forward to this all week. Sitting here under the stars with you. It's like everything else just disappears for a while."
"You do know how to set a scene. Everything is absolutely perfect."
"I really just wanted tonight to be special. I know that we haven't known each other long but I have seen you around the hospital and people talk. Your employees really do love and respect you. I have only ever heard good things about you. You are hardworking, fair, and believe in rolling up your sleeves and working alongside your people. You aren't one of these managers who talks about teamwork but never actually works. Your people see that. I see that. I think that is so attractive. A woman who works hard deserves to relax and have someone take care of her every once in a while. I had been wanting to talk to for some time and when you ended up being my patient, I felt like God was saying, this is it don't mess it up. So tonight, I just want to serve you."
"Wow, you are setting the bar pretty high for future picnics," she said.
"I will just have to keep finding new ways to impress you then." He winked and smiled in that sexy way and Molia could feel herself getting warm.
" I think the wine is starting to get to me."
"Here, eat something." He raised his hand and pressed a grape to her mouth guiding her lips open to fill her mouth. The grape burst in her mouth filling it with sweet juice. It was delicious.
"Can I tell you something?" Jacob said
"Of course,"
"You have this way of making me feel like I am exactly where I am supposed to be. Even when we first met at the hospital, I felt like I was a nurse if for no other reason but to meet you. I pray after tonight we will have many more moments like this together. Cheers." He raised his glass to toast the evening. They sat quietly, the intimacy of the moment needing no words as the soft hum of crickets and the faint clink of their glasses filled the air between them. Molia wasn't sure if it was the wine, Jacobs undeniable charisma, or dashing good looks but she knew that she was in trouble. She was so certain about her feelings for Jo and everything that they had shared, but Jacob. Jacob understood her in ways she didn't know that Jo could. She worked so hard to get to where she was, and he actually admired her for it. That was something her ex always resented in her so finding someone who wasn't intimidated by her accomplishments was refreshing. Not to mention he was attractive and understood the demands of her job.
"A penny for your thoughts?" he interrupted.
"I was just thinking how perfect this moment is." Months ago, I wasn't sure that I would ever find someone that I connected with. I was content with my work and my life and really hadn't made room for a partner. If I am being honest, I really thought I had my mind made up about dating and thought I knew what I wanted but now I am more confused than ever. I don't want to lead anyone on. I don't want to hurt anyone.
"Listen Molia, I came into this knowing that you had feelings for that guy. All I asked for is a chance. If you end up choosing him, I would be disappointed, but I would have been glad just to have had the opportunity. I am a big boy. I can handle the risk." He lifted her hand to kiss it and as he did, she countered his gentleness by pulling him forward meeting his lips. His lips were warm, soft and inviting. They shared a lingering kiss. His cologne teased her nostrils filling her senses with feminine arousal. Jacob placed his hand softly on the nape of her neck pulling her deeper into the kiss. Molia let out a purring moan. Her heart quickened and she felt the familiar dizziness that she had grown to dread. Her vision darkened as she fell limp into Jacobs arms.
When Molia came to there was a cool compress on her head, she was propped up on the pillows with her feet elevated and Jacob was crouched next to her with his fingers pressed against her wrist checking her pulse. She tried to sit up.
"Don't move, I have you. I think you went into a-flutter again. Your heart rate was pretty high but it looks like it has come down and your pulse is more regular so you may be out of it. If you have been taking your medicine maybe we should take you to the hospital."
" No, it's fine. I feel better now, and it was probably the wine. I'm really not supposed to drink"
Jacob shook his head. "Nurses make the worst patients. I will however be taking the credit for making your heart skip a beat."
Molia laughed, "You're so corny. I did kind of ruined our date huh?"
"I got to hold and kiss you. Absolutely not. This has been the best night of my life!" he said. "But if you really feel bad about it you can make it up to me and go out with me again. Next time I promise that I will make sure you are lying down before I get you all hot and bothered."
Molia laughed again, " You are something else."
"Something else you would want to see again, or something you thought was good but don't want to do again?"
He was persistent. Molia sat conflicted about how to respond. Everything felt so easy with Jo, almost familiar like someone she has always known. They felt connected, but she couldn't deny that she really liked Jacob. He was smart, funny, handsome, romantic and those lips....his lips melted with hers when they kissed as if they were two pieces of a puzzle fitting together. Molia hesitated and then said, yes.